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THE PLACE for Digital Nomads

According to a recent study conducted by the “Moving to Spain” platform, Portugal has been ranked as the 5th best country for digital nomads. Scoring 6.70 out of 10, Portugal falls behind Norway (7.79 points), Germany (7.22 points), Hungary (7.10 points), and Spain (6.76 points), but surpasses destinations like Romania (6.14 points), Denmark (5.68 points), Finland (5.57 points), and Italy (5.34 points). The study highlights Portugal as a country that consistently performs well in the analyzed categories. It is recognized for its safety, reliable internet connectivity, and affordable cost of living. Additionally, Portugal is renowned for its delightful climate, boasting over 300 days of sunshine annually, and its warm reception towards expatriates residing in the country.

Source: The Portugal News