Glocal Gateway Official Website

Think Globally, Act Locally

Glocal Gateway provides the best of assistance in handling all the concerns of legitimate students, entrepreneurs and investors to gain favorable results in their international endeavors.


We believe that global merchandising, knowhow and opportunities are fundamental rights to which everyone with the required competencies should have access.

We provide the necessary lay out for entrepreneurs and investors from the get-go to the point of outright profitability and growth.

We facilitate errands by handling all significant aspects of enrolment at renowned academic institutions in top destinations.

We offer a range of long-term visa options in developed countries to meet different circumstances and capabilities of every eligible applicant.

Why Choose Us


End-to-end prime services for all levels


Client-based and result-driven outlook


Dynamic circumstantial adaptability


Firsthand command of the industry

Main Office

The Company

Glocal Gateway is a consulting firm dedicated to optimizing human potential and creating contingency for personal growth and global accomplishments through quality international cooperation and constructive composition. We offer the best of services regarding international business, education and mobility. We explore possibilities for clients with genuine aspiration, honest intention and financial capacity by offering sterling counsel and assistance to bolster career prospects.

Client Testimonials

I always hesitated to act upon my lifelong dream of studying abroad due to a limited budget. Glocal Gateway not only offered me several options matching my capacity but also helped me through in every step of the way without any hiccup. I shall remain always grateful for their advice, assistance and patience in placing me where I am.



I was very anxious when my husband decided to expand his commercial activities overseas. We had made a life from so little and the thought of risking it was beyond my strength. Glocal Gateway eased all our worries by effective measures which have led to a cozy life with a good business in Europe.



I was very pessimistic about buying a house in a foreign country with all the costs and complicated legal requirements involved. But still the future of my children pushed toward making such a move. I am grateful that Glocal Gateway was the company to take care of our affairs. Granted that it took some stressful time but they really fulfilled what was promised.



Become a Glocal Citizen!

We consider you as one of own and deliver the dream.