Glocal Gateway Official Website


Your Success is Our Purpose.


Glocal Gateway provides the necessary lay out for the establishment of corporations, entrepreneurs and investors who seek to take advantage of the sphere of international business. We stand by the client from the get-go to the point of outright profitability and growth with lucrative opportunities, accurate insight, practical advice and effective implementation. Our advisors devise and present a comprehensive plan with elaboration by degrees to safeguard enhanced yield beyond any existing quota through adjustable functional patterns and based on personalized urgency.


Many students around the world are unable or unaware how to follow and complete the required steps for ensuring a placement at an international academic institution. Glocal Gateway facilitates errands by providing a variety of services to handle significant aspects of the path. Any legitimate applicant with financial ability to cover the relevant expenses and meeting the admission requirements can be sure of a place on the path to scholarly and professional success. We provide a safe passage during the transition period to guarantee peace of mind for students and share knowledge to make the pertinent familiarity with the country, culture and life.



The process of moving and settling in a new country is intricate, strenuous and stressful. We provide detail-oriented guidance and carry out adept performance in the best interest of clients to iron out unnecessary commotion and mitigate the procedural hitches. We offer a range of long-term visa options in developed countries to cover different circumstances and conform specific aspirations. Our proposed road map is crafted following profound consideration of explicit means and attributes of each case. We are quite fervent about bearing distinction in the planning, execution and delivery of the whole process.


Visa Procurement




Yes, we can present several options for you to choose from which would accommodate your circumstances.

Many of our partner universities offer such degrees whereby you can experience learning and living in two different environments.

We have successfully dealt with several similar cases. You do not need to worry.

No. Your request will be assessed based on the legal conditions at the time of the application.

Yes, although some parents may choose to enroll their children in private schools.

We can offer a partial payment plan to ease your financial concerns.

Yes. We can help expand your business into a lucrative international franchise.

Our post-arrival services are there to facilitate the initial stage of your relocation in any aspect you deem necessary.

Client Testimonials

I always hesitated to act upon my lifelong dream of studying abroad due to a limited budget. Glocal Gateway not only offered me several options matching my capacity but also helped me through in every step of the way without any hiccup. I shall remain always grateful for their advice, assistance and patience in placing me where I am.



I was very anxious when my husband decided to expand his commercial activities overseas. We had made a life from so little and the thought of risking it was beyond my strength. Glocal Gateway eased all our worries by effective measures which have led to a cozy life with a good business in Europe.



I was very pessimistic about buying a house in a foreign country with all the costs and complicated legal requirements involved. But still the future of my children pushed toward making such a move. I am grateful that Glocal Gateway was the company to take care of our affairs. Granted that it took some stressful time but they really fulfilled what was promised.



Seek no more! You're at the right Gateway.

We plan the journey and lead you to the landing place.